GCU Global Education

Valparaiso, Chile

Reflections from Chile

Reflections by Emma Gildea: Reflecting on my exchange experience in Chile, the journey proved to be both educational and life changing. One of the most impactful moments was our visit to the Human Rights Museum in Santiago. This visit gave us a great understanding into Chile’s turbulent past, particularly the human rights abuses during the

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chile camp

UniDos: Children’s Climate Camp- in Chile

During our week in Chile, Georgian Court University and Universidad Vina del Mar students collaborated together to present workshops teaching youth about air, water, and soil contamination and the health implications. Workshops included making sample water filters, doing experiments to demonstrate poor air quality and reveal particles in the air, composting and soil pollution, making

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Quintero – “Zone of Sacrifice” and Contrasts

Beautiful beaches and crashing waves on rocks..Remnants of tourism and local fishing that once brought in business and economy to a local community….Industrial plants now appear within the landscape photo as the backdrop to the sea… The coast of Quintero and Puchuncavi was once a popular tourist destination with some of the best fishing. The

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Valparaiso, Chile – a city of color, wonder, culture, & art

By: Laura Grodewald Valparaíso is a city unlike any other. Valparaíso has 44 distinct hills all with different character and personality and have beautiful views of the Pacific Ocean. The hills are colored with colorful houses and historic architecture, and cultural art expressions can be found around every bend. The hills have ascensores, or funiculars,

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Ireland -Mercy Trip


Hello guys! We made it home by the grace of God! First and foremost we’d like to thank both Mission & Ministry, and Mercy International. Without them none of this would’ve been possible. We’ve acquired so much new information in a matter of just 5 days! Secondly, we’d like to thank Amy! She is truly

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Ireland -Mercy Trip

YML – Ireland – 7/26/24 – Final Full Day

Today was our last full day in Ireland, and what a day that was! We spent the morning with the Mercy Sisters, reflecting on our time and experience at the International House of Mercy. It was so powerful and enlightening to listen to everyone share their devotion to mercy principles, and express their love of

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