GCU Global Education

HK dumplings

Hong Kong Overall Reflection

“I liked seeing the differences between Hong Kong and the US and how the Octopus card is a huge thing. I also liked seeing a different side of Hong Kong between city and more rural.” “Seeing all the fresh food along with all the festivals and views was my favorite part! The octopus card is

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HK Nature

Hong Kong Day 2: Cheung Chau Nature-scapes

By Sloane Pasini: Cheung Chau was my favorite place so far. It’s small, more quiet, and has a lot of nature, hiking, and overlooks the water. Out of the places we’ve seen so far this is somewhere that I’d like to visit. I found it interesting that the island and streets are so small that

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HK Night

Hong Kong Day 2: Night-scapes

By Sloane Pasini: The night life of Hong Kong was very fun to see. I’m surprised that even outdoors you are required to wear masks, however, I can see why their COVID cases are extremely low. I did not think this city would be as safe as Crystal said it was. I’m used to cities

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Global Photo Exhibit Fall 2021

Stop by the entrance to the Library to visit our Fall 2021 Global Photo Exhibit featuring 14 student photos taken from around the globe over the past 2 years! Submit your vote for the top 4 photos with our online voting link.

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Bringing Out the Global in the Local

Bringing Out the Global in the Local – Georgian Court University, New Jersey Two GCU students share their personal background and global perspectives and contexts that are in our local Lakewood neighborhood. Click here to read the full article.

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