Paris – Last Day!

Paris 2024

Wow, this week has flown by! We started our last official day by touring the Parc Zoologique de Paris. After grabbing a quick lunch, we ventured to the Chateau de Vincennes. When we arrived, we were informed that the Chateau was closed for a private event so we had to find something to do with … Read more about this article

Paris – Day 6

Paris 2024

Today, the group tackled the Avenue of Champs Elysees and walked all the way down to the Louvre. The Champs Elysees was lined with a variety of shops and even the Louis Vuitton headquarters which was extremely eye-catching. After a long walk down the Avenue, the group stopped at a nearby garden for lunch. Part … Read more about this article

Paris – Day 5

Paris 2024

Today we spent the whole day at Versailles. It was gorgeous on the inside and in the gardens. Some fountains sprayed alongside opera music which made it feel so formal and prestigious. We are headed off to dinner shortly!

Paris – Day 4

Paris 2024

We are almost halfway through our journey! Today was another day of exploration. We started the day at the Pantheon and learned that it was originally built as a temple but is now used as a burial place for famous people. Some notable names include Marie Curie and Louis Braille. After, we visited two churches … Read more about this article

Paris – Day 3

Paris 2024

Today was another day full of walking and exciting sights! We started off the day heading over to the Musee Rodin – a museum dedicated to Auguste Rodin featuring his detailed sculptures including the Thinker. After, we walked over to Les Invalides where we learned about the history of France and even saw the tomb … Read more about this article

Paris – Day 2

Paris 2024

Today was a day full of walking! We started off the day walking to Sacre Coeur which is a beautifully decorated church. Afterward, we walked the town of Montmartre and passed plenty of small shops with tourist gifts. Then we headed to the library and grabbed a quick bite before learning about some Parisian history. … Read more about this article

Paris – Day 1

Paris day 1

Today was a great start for the travelers in Paris! They met together at their hotel and went out for the first group lunch. They chose a cozy sit-down spot right next to their hotel. In the afternoon, they hopped on a river cruise of the Seine River, one of the most iconic places to … Read more about this article