GCU Global Education

international food festival flyer

International Virtual Food Festival 3.10 & 3.11

Wednesday 7:30pm eventGLOBAL DISHES & INGREDIENTS Pastel (BRAZIL) Cooking Host: Will Bruce ’17 Ingredient List pastel dough (like wonton or dumpling dough that can be fried) oil white cheese (ricotta or brie) goiabada (any kind of jam or jelly) ALUMNI Ceviche (PERU) Cooking Host: Dawn Lopez ’20 Ingredient List ceviche- fish red onions green lime

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Global internship

Virtual Internship in Barcelona, Fall 2020

By Rachel Pausz ’22 Completing a global virtual internship helped me improve my professional and cultural knowledge as I was able to work side by side with coworkers from across the world. My global virtual internship took place in Barcelona, Spain and I worked with a company named the Chic Icon. I was able to

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Global Photo Exhibit 2020

Fall Global Photo Contest Cast your vote for the top 3 photos here: https://gcu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0dKa7P9SDokDQP3 Winning photos will be announced during our Study Abroad Student Panel during International Education Week (11/16-11/19) Costa Rica – photo by Stephanie Moreno (Spring 2020 Semester Abroad) Germany- photo by Landry Cheta (studying abroad at GCU from UK) Switzerland – photo

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Barcelona is a Fast and Polyhedric Metropoly

Giovanni Ciocca Vasino ~ Study Abroad in Barcelona, Spain ~ Spring 2020 When I first visited Barcelona 5 years ago, I immediately fell in love with the energetic and inspiring atmosphere of the city, to the point that I promised myself that one day I was going to live there. Thanks to GCU Global Education, this

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