Semester Abroad in Hong Kong
Hi, my name is Debra Cohen. I studied abroad in the spring of 2018 in Hong Kong. It was an experience of a lifetime. I have lived in many different places but nothing quite like HK. When I first decided to go, I was really struggling with all the many decisions I had to make

Spring Semester in London
Jackie Sweeney & Lauren Sorce are studying this spring semester in London at St. Mary’s University. Take a look at their first two weeks of exploring the city and Stonehenge!

Spring in Portugal
Juan Quintero has just arrived in Lisbon, Portugal where he will be spending the spring semester studying abroad! Follow his photos and updates on our Global Lions Facebook group

Semester in Hong Kong
Deborah & Faigy have now been living & studying biology and chemistry at the University of Hong Kong (HKU) for the past month! They have made friends from around the world and have been taking in all that this incredible city has to offer!