GCU Global Education


Experiencing Different Lifestyles

by Xitlali Rufino In COIL Activity #1, this is the first activity my teammate and I in the United States did with my teammates in Monterrey, Mexico. This activity consisted of making an introduction video and presentation about ourselves and a bit of information that we believed was shareable with our teammates in Mexico. Afterwards

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Virtual Exchange Reflections

In what ways did you enhance your intercultural communication skills from this virtual exchange program? “The virtual exchange course helped me improve my ability to communicate with people I do not know, even from my university. I feel more confident and comfortable when talking to people from different cultures.” “Through interacting with my partner from

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Heartfelt Poems

POEM by Sotirios Gkosdis In realms where water meets the land, Two nations stand, hand in hand. The U.S. and Chile, stories unfold, Of waters tainted, tales of old. In the U.S., Flint’s water woes, Lead-filled taps, a crisis grows. Chile’s desert blooms, mines’ toxic trace, Sacred rivers lose their grace. Yet, these local cries

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