Reflections from Italy

“This trip was my very first trip out of the country.  What really made me sign up was the fact that I would be traveling with classmates and my own professors, whom I feel safe and comfortable with; I believed that having this sense of comfort and security would allow me to stress less and have the opportunity to see so much more than I would be able to if I took this adventure on my own. This was the first time GCU used the CAPA Global Education network, and I believe if it was not for the kind, adventurous, dedicated, and caring representatives that helped us travel, eat, translate, and explore, this trip would not have been the same.  The entire trip, we knew we could depend on the women that traveled with us to get us to our destinations safely and promptly, in addition to finding the best places to eat for our price range, and choose the best museums, churches, and excursions.  Yes, I took over 2,000 photos on this 11-day excursion, but I took photos without even looking most of the time, so that I could take everything in in person, then look back fondly when I got home.  The things only my memory can hold include the richness of the food, like fresh cheese and seafood, the thrill of traveling on standing buses, the view from the highest buildings in the city, the view of the magnificent structures while looking from the ground up, the feeling of being somewhere so different and so awe-inspiring, a feeling I will never forget.”

Kassy Kasternakis ’18

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