Our day began early in order to get the most out of the day in Cusco, Peru! Mamma Maria and Papa Adolfo, our house parents, made us a delicious Peruvian breakfast of bread, jams, fruit and eggs before we headed into town. We spent the morning shopping the local stores and found unique souviners of alpaca blankets, sweaters, scarves and traditional pottery. Everyone was excited to try the well know coffee, churros and empanadas! For our second day of working the clinic we had the chance to travel to Villa Maria. The local town was a short drive through the mountains from our homestay. As always, we were impressed by our bus driver as he navigated our way through the narrow mountain towns and we held on tight! Danielle greeted the locals at admissions, Allison, Lexy and Joanna worked the vitals station, myself and Gaby worked with the doctor to assess the patients, Kim treated the patients with flouride treatment, Rachel, Liz and Amata were at the Lab table and Carissa managed the Pharmacy station. We had over eighty patients visit the clinic! I was so taken back to learn that so many patients have never had a health care visit or seen a doctor. In the evening everyone had the chance to attend a salsa dancing class and go dancing. We enjoyed a dinner overlooking the center square and ended the day with pisco sours!