Ireland – final reflections

The week flew by, and we had busy days every day! We spent our last day in a whole different country- Northern Ireland! We went to Belfast, where we went to the Titanitc Museum. We also explored The Dark Hedges and Giant’s Causeway

Giant’s Causeway!

Dangerous trees at the Dark Hedges!

Alycia’s final reflection:

Ireland was my first trip aboard and while it seemed so daunting at first, now I’m not ready to leave just yet! Something I really took away from the trip was this idea of hidden stories and untold stories. For what was likely the first time for me I was learning history outside of the American bubble and I found everything to be so fascinating. As someone who naturally is a storyteller and loves creative writing this was what I was most drawn to. Finding out these new pieces of history and learned about the stories of people who had an impact on Ireland history. 

More final reflections tomorrow!

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