Today we said hasta luego to Peru and hello to the United States. Even though we all enjoyed our study abroad experience, many of us are thankful to return home and get back into our normal routines. Study abroad is an amazing thing to participate in and everyone should do it at least once during their college experience. Studying in a different country is much different than vacationing because you get to live like the locals do and really see what goes on day to day. Staying in a hotel is much different than a home stay; even though it’s not fun to be without water or heat, it forces you to emerge yourself in the culture and learn more. During our time in Peru, we learned about the healthcare outside of our country and improved our techniques for nursing. We also improved our Spanish and were able to communicate more effectively towards the end. I can safely say that we all had a great experience here and are happy with everything we learned. I hope that this is not the last time we study abroad and I hope that others get to experience it as well.