By: Lauren Fernandes
Today was day 2 of malaria outreach! We traveled to a nearby village by tro tro (the vans used for transport in Ghana), and treated a total of 176 people for malaria. Out of the 176, 32 were positive; these individuals were given the appropriate dose of malaria medication. We also treated many wounds, took many blood pressures, and dispersed medication to treat various aches and pains. When we returned to the IVHQ house, we were lucky enough to experience cooking our own dinner with our wonderful chefs Mary, Millie, and Edna. We cooked jollof rice, fried chicken, red red, egg sauce, and plantains. The food was D E L I C I O U S! It was amazing to experience how they cook these staple dishes, and how much effort goes into their routine, washing everything by hand and cooking vegetables grown fresh from their own farm. We enjoyed our dinner with the other volunteers from Chilé and Missouri. Maa jo! (Good evening in Ewe).–