Hello guys! We made it home by the grace of God! First and foremost we’d like to thank both Mission & Ministry, and Mercy International. Without them none of this would’ve been possible. We’ve acquired so much new information in a matter of just 5 days! Secondly, we’d like to thank Amy! She is truly amazing not just as a person but throughout this entire trip and just all the effort she’s put into making everything run smoothly. We’ve come across a few issues, but her kindness and patience is unmatched. Thank you so much for all you’ve done to prepare for this journey! May God bless you abundantly. Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and we are deeply grateful for your support and commitment. Lastly, we would also like to thank Jeff, Laura & Jennifer. This trip has been an eye-opening experience, and we owe it all to your efforts. Thank you once again for everything!

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