One of the biggest rules that we have on this trip is that it is mandatory that we find at least one gelateria to stop at a day. (Trust me it’s worth it)
That being the case, we started our next day in Italy by heading to the Vatican City! We spent the morning exploring the Vatican, it’s museums and catacombs, and St. Peter’s Basilica. After seeing works like the Sistene Chapel and Pieta, we headed back to the Colosseum to do an interior tour!
Being our last night in Rome, members of the group spent the night going back to the top of the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain to make their final wish, and found more gelato (for some of them that was their third gelato of the day… but when in Rome!)
The next day we packed off our stuff and headed to Florence! See you there!
*more pictures to come!